AICC represents a majority of the independent packaging manufacturers and their suppliers. We are dedicated to strengthening the independent’s position in the marketplace through programs and publications that empower our members to compete successfully in a rapidly changing industry and an increasingly competitive and global business environment.
The CCTI is an international trade association representing the interests of manufacturers of composite paperboard cans, containers, canisters, tubes, cores, cones, fibre drums, spools, ribbon blocks, bobbins and related or similar composite products; and suppliers to those manufacturers of such items as paper, machinery, adhesives, labels and other materials and services.
Over the decades, PPC has grown to become the leading trade association serving suppliers and converters of all forms of paperboard packaging. Its guiding principles have always been—and continue to be—to grow, promote, and protect the paperboard packaging industry while providing its members with resources and tools to compete effectively and successfully in the marketplace.
The Paper Check-Off Program was launched in 2015 with a focus on promoting the benefits of paper and paper based packaging.
The Recycled Paperboard Technical Association is dedicated to the improvement and use of recycled paperboard and related products. Founded in the early 1950’s as the Boxboard Research and Development Association, RPTA represents paper companies worldwide which manufacture products that contain a significant percentage of recycled fiber. RPTA provides a legal forum through which member companies can discuss shared technical issues and interests.
The greenhouse gases that are prevented are equal to removing 54 cars from the road each year.
What is 100% recycled paperboard? How is it made? How does it compare to virgin paper grades? What are the advantages in using it for packaging products?